Eating our own dog food

Stoodio Iterati featured image

When Roopal and I finally decided to take the plunge to start Stoodio Iterati, we wanted to do it right. I wanted to capture her vision, desire, and aspirations of what Stoodio Iterati should be.

We designed our own brand

We decided we’ll approach our brand identity design as we would any other project for our partners. So we got together one early morning at the crack of dawn and jumped into a brand strategy workshop. Roopal had never been part of a brand strategy workshop. And she was a picture of concentration.

Brand strategy workshop in progress

Through the 3-hour, session we decided on:

  • Naming
  • Mission, vision, values
  • Positioning
  • Personality

Stoodio Iterati’s goals, vision, mission, values, process, and operational details are captured in this factsheet.

We then came up with a wordlist to define the voice, tone and visual character we’d like our studio to have.

We wanted us to sound;

  • Witty
  • Fun
  • Direct
  • Confident
  • Street smart

…and we wanted our brand to look;

  • Sleek
  • Minimalist
  • Playful
  • Quirky
  • Tribal
  • Hip
  • Artisanal

Next, it was heads-down work for me to start crafting Stoodio Iterati’s visual identity. It was time for:

  • Mood-boards
  • Logo design
  • Style-boards
Stoodio Iterati mood-board

Quick logo ideas in the form of rapid sketches…

Final logo and variations

Hand-drawn illustrations

What’s next?

Stoodio Iterati will continue to stay nimble, go with the flow, and evolve with time. Our brand will stay in step with the changing world but our values will remain steadfast.


Design direction, illustrations & copy: Deepak Pakhare
Brand strategy: Roopal & Deepak Pakhare

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